Sweet Miss E came to us at 7 weeks old due to Covid delaying her session. But, as you can see from the images below you can still get beautiful newborn pictures even if you little is surpassed the 7-10 days old that photographers normally like to shoot at. Is it easy? No, but with patience it can be done! Proof is in the pudding, or the pictures.
Tip: If your newborn is older, bring along a pacifier, or be prepared to feed often which will make it more difficult to get the images you want. I do not force pacifiers on my clients, BUT that does not mean they aren't super helpful. Older babies are more awake and when they are awake sucking often soothes them. This is helpful for brand new newborns too. It is called non-nutritive suck. I swear, just google it!
Jolie Anne Photography is open for business. I am currently booking for June thru December due dates. The best time to book is a soon as you know your due date to guarantee your booking. Find more details on the website.